Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's hard to believe it has been over three years since I first started this webpage. I know I have been an absent parent for most of that time, but I have at least managed to add a whistle review here and there every know and then. Like most parents when their child is first born, one has grandiose plans and wishes for their child, but as life and events happen things get put off and reality sets in and pretty soon your just happy you got as far as you did without going crazy. My personal focus has certainly left whistles for the time being, and I have sold off 95% of my whistle collection after finding I really didn't play anything but my MK's these days anyway. I do occasionaly get an email from someone who stumbled across the page on their begining journey with the low whistle, so I feel like I at least accomplished a piece of what I set out to do. There are many things I had wished to add to this website, and who knows, maybe one day I will get to them! Until then, thanks for looking and happy whistling!